Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tourism in Thailand just 7% shy of the pre-Covid levels


Tourism in Thailand is rebounding, with visitor numbers reaching 93% of pre-Covid levels. Despite challenges, the industry is showing signs of recovery.

Tourism in Thailand is beginning to rebound with a promising 7% increase towards pre-Covid levels. This positive trend is a result of the country’s efforts to safely reopen its borders and revive its tourism industry. The increase in tourists visiting Thailand is a welcomed sign for the economy, as the tourism sector plays a significant role in the country’s GDP.

With international travel restrictions easing and more people feeling confident about traveling again, Thailand is attracting visitors from around the world. The country’s beautiful beaches, vibrant cities, rich culture, and delicious cuisine are all drawing tourists back to its shores. The tourism industry in Thailand is working diligently to ensure the safety and well-being of both visitors and locals during the pandemic.

As Thailand continues to welcome tourists back to its shores, the country is optimistic about further growth in the tourism sector. With health and safety measures in place, travelers can feel more comfortable about exploring all that Thailand has to offer. The increase in tourism is a positive sign for the country’s economic recovery and a promising step towards returning to pre-pandemic levels of tourism.

Source : Tourism in Thailand just 7% shy of the pre-Covid levels