Monday, June 3, 2024

Thailand tops the list of the world’s safest destinations during COVID-19 – Tourism


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Bangkok, 19 August, 2020 – Thailand has topped the list of the world’s safest destinations to visit during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, according to a study by Germany-based travel company Tourane.

Thailand was considered the world’s safest travel destination during the COVID-19 pandemic based on various criteria including the 14-day notification rate of new COVID-19 cases and deaths per the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), International Health Regulations score, population density of the country, hours of sunshine per day for outdoor activities, and flight connections with Germany.

Thailand has recorded a low number of COVID-19 cases and was scored 85 for International Health Regulations.

These coupled with moderate population density, at 135, and the hours of sunshine per day for outdoor activities, 6.6 hours, plus having the most number of direct flights with Germany have placed Thailand in the top spot. Tourlane’s study was carried out on 26 July, 2020 (Sicherheitsexperte stellt Kriterien für sicheres Reisen trotz Corona vor).

As of today, Thailand has reported no new local COVID-19 cases for 86 days. So far, the Kingdom recorded a total of 3,382 COVID-19 cases, with 58 deaths. Tourlane’s rating has added to recent accolades for Thailand during this time of difficulty.

In late…

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