Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Revolutionizing Thailand’s Capital Market: SET Professionals Forum 2023 Unveils Five Key ESG Trends for 2024”


The SET ESG Professionals Forum 2023 unveiled five groundbreaking ESG trends for 2024, emphasizing the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and governance dimensions and promoting collaboration and innovation for capital market sustainability.

SET ESG Professionals Forum 2023: A New Chapter for Thailand’s Capital Market

The SET ESG Professionals Forum 2023 marked a new chapter for Thailand’s capital market with the unveiling of five groundbreaking ESG trends for 2024. Hosted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the SET ESG Experts Pool, this event brought together an exceptional network of sustainability professionals under the theme “Together for Change.” With the world in a state of constant flux, the need for joint action and intensive workforce development is more pressing than ever.

Five Strategic Trends Driving Capital Market Sustainability

The SET ESG Professionals Forum 2023 highlighted the importance of five strategic trends in driving capital market sustainability, distilled from the thoughts and collaboration of SET ESG Experts Pool members throughout the year. In addition, the forum also floated the idea of five challenging trends in business development towards capital market sustainability. SET continues to advocate for ESG awareness, providing ESG tools, and introducing the SET ESG Ratings assessment and infrastructure systems like the ESG Data Platform for centralized sustainability data management.


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