

Chamber of Commerce’s assurance of sufficient groceries

BANGKOK(NNT) - Demand for consumable products will likely increase if the spread of COVID-19 expands further. The Thai Chamber of Commerce has reassured the public that the current production capacity of manufacturers is sufficient to meet domestic demand,...

Water, electricity bills down 3% to help people during COVID-19…

BANGKOK (NNT) - The COVID-19 pandemic has already had various impacts on society and the economy. Now, the Cabinet has approved a measure to reduce water and electricity bills by 3 percent for three months, extending electricity and...

’Do not panic buy,’ Commerce Ministry confirms good groceries…

BANGKOK(NNT) - The Ministry of Commerce is now monitoring the stocks of grocery items closely, asking people not to panic buy or hoard items. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Jurin Laksanawisit, said today the ministry had...

Thai index falls 10%, SET activates circuit breaker

BANGKOK(NNT) - Concerns over the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have strongly impacted investment in stock markets around the world, including Thailand. As soon as the market opened this morning, the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) index plunged by...

Commerce Ministry prosecuting Lazada for allowing vendors to hike…

BANGKOK(NNT) - The Ministry of Commerce has instructed the relevant authorities to prosecute several vendors on Lazada, an online shopping platform, for price gouging in sales of face masks. The ministry has also warned dealers that overcharging for...

Govt now requires arriving foreigners to specify countries…

BAGKOK(NNT) - The Immigration Bureau has announced that all foreigners arriving in Thailand must now specify the countries they have recently visited on their arrival card, to filter out the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus. Immigration police deputy...

Italian cruise ship passengers not permitted to enter Phuket

PHUKET(NNT) - Thai authorities in Phuket, a major tourist destination on the Andaman coast in the south of Thailand, this week declined to allow passengers and crew members of an Italian cruise ship to land in Phuket, as...

Finance Ministry to issue stimulus measures to mitigate COVID-19…

BANGKOK (NNT) - The global COVID-19 epidemic is bringing significant disruption to both the Thai and global economies, perceived as one of the most serious economic setbacks by the private sector. The Ministry of Finance is working with...