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ASEAN launches Poll on ASEAN Awareness 2018

JAKARTA, 29 November 2019 – ASEAN launched the Poll on ASEAN Awareness 2018 Report at the ASEAN Secretariat today. According to the report, 96% of respondents surveyed are aware of ASEAN. The sense of belonging to the ASEAN region was also high, with nine out of ten respondents identifying themselves as ASEAN citizens.

The Deputy Secretary-General for ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community, the Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, representatives of the Permanent Mission of Singapore to ASEAN, Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information, the ASEAN Foundation, think tanks and media heads gathered to witness the unveiling of the survey findings and infographics.

Supported by the Government of Japan through the Japan-ASEAN Integration fund, the poll aims to measure general understanding of and perception towards ASEAN, evaluate current communication strategies, and identify key sources of information for effective dissemination to ASEAN citizens. Ipsos Business Consulting, a research agency, conducted the survey from October to December 2018.

In his remarks, ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General for Socio-Cultural Community Kung Phoak said, “the findings of the Poll on ASEAN Awareness will guide us in developing future communication strategies that could better resonate with our peoples across ages and income levels. It will also strengthen the implementation of several key initiatives in the upcoming 2020 Year of ASEAN Identity.”

“Japan has always supported ASEAN centrality and unity. It is my belief that this project also contributes to sustaining and enhancing ASEAN centrality and unity,” remarked Ambassador of the Mission of Japan to ASEAN Akira Chiba. “Through the conduct of the Poll on ASEAN Awareness, ASEAN citizens can increase their sense of belonging to ASEAN Community and be truly convinced as to the necessity of sharing this regional framework,” Ambassador Chiba added.

The poll’s infographics are available here. The findings of the poll will be disseminated in various events and media channels.

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