Sunday, June 16, 2024

US delivering for Pacific islands despite China’s reach

US, with allies and private sector, enhancing support for Pacific islands against China. Blinken acknowledges China’s influence but highlights US collaboration with partners to provide better options and aid.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the United States, along with allies and the private sector, is making efforts to support Pacific islands despite not being able to compete with China’s growing influence alone. This comes after the Solomon Islands recently elected a Beijing-friendly prime minister, causing concern in the US and Australia. Blinken emphasized the importance of partnerships with like-minded countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, and India to deliver assistance to the region.

He highlighted a joint initiative between the US and Australia, where Google is constructing trans-Pacific cables to enhance internet connectivity in South Pacific nations as an alternative to Chinese offerings. Blinken stressed the importance of providing better choices to countries without forcing them to choose sides. Although tension between the US and China has somewhat eased, the Biden administration continues to view China as its primary long-term rival for global leadership.

Source : US delivering for Pacific islands despite China’s reach


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